Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Some hope...

this night Halvan has been sleeping in my hand lots, they need to stay warm to get well again, and if the other gerbils push her away and let her sleep alone, she would be too cold....
I gave her some food, and she ate lots ^^ Was a bit hard for her when she took some big pieces and tried to chew on, but I was really happy that she wanted to eat some real food. She really needs it. Before we went to bed we gave her some more water with medicin in, because the vet said she need to drink more, and she was a good baby and swallowed that too.

Best thing of all, this morning I found all babies, including Halvan, sleeping under both Marvie and Zero, which means she has been able to stay warm thanks to the others. I was so happy when I saw it. Before Marvie didn't seem to like Halvan anymore, and let her sleep alone, and had all the babies togehter but Halvan who was left alone in a corner, so I really hope Marvie has changed her mind about Halvan and want her with the others again. More food and water today for Halvan and the other babies, and hopefully all will make it. I was really sad yesterday because I didn't think Halvan would survive, but I'm a bit more hopeful today.

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