Monday, 10 December 2007

Worried about the babies...

I'm a bit worried about Brownie and Helan, it comes clicking sounds from them, it sounds like when Marvin or Zero are eating something hard... it could be an airpie infection, because they can get alergic to the wood shavings material we used for beddings to them before, and then they can get the infection from it. If it don't disappear they need to be treated with antibiotics for it, they have had the clicking sound since friday, it's the night to monday now. So we will try to get a time with a vet tomorrow or as soon as possible. Friday all babies had some clicking sounds, so we changed the beddings to another material, pellets looking things made of recycled paper, som gerbil breeders said it's better for the babies, it won't come any dust from it as it comes from the wood shavings. the new material is good for the enviroment too ;)
One other thing that worries me too is that Helan isn't the biggest baby anymore, and Brownie isn't one of the biggest either but not as small as Halvan, so that makes me worried that they are not ok... At least they all run around like small babies should, so they can't be that weak, not yet anyway... I worry loads, i know, can't even do my schoolwork because all I do all days is watching the babies so I'll see in case something is wrong with them so I can try to help right away ^^

I'm worried about Halvan too because she is really small, maybe need to feed her some extra milk or other baby food, will ask the vet about that too when we get there.

One baby I'm not worried about is Long Stripe, he or she is big as he or she should be and runs around lots, was the first and still the only one to open the eyes, and is the only one that really enjoys being in our hands, likes to sleep there, and wash his or hers furr, so cute :)

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